Mechanism of LSS
      The cell of Learner Support Services (LSS) is actively mentoring the interested learners on regular basis; so that they could avail the technology enabled available services of the university to get the hassle free quality education from open & distance education mode. As the provision of this mode less regular face to face interaction with the learners, the LSS offers its mentorship to them upon their on-line and off line queries regarding various programmes offered by schools, process of admission, location of study and regional centres SLM, and services of examination. Most of their queries indicated that lack of awareness of this system; they are facing the process related problems. Therefore, LSS cell extends its maximum help to them by directing or informing regarding rules, regulations, procedures and schedules of the University.

       The Cell mainly advice and coordinate them to were to contact, whom to contact and how to accomplish their desired tasks and how to settle their pending issues with the university. while there are various kinds of individual cells are designed to extend support to the learners, like grievances cell, student guidance /coaching cell, placement cell, alumni cell, women’s harassment pretention cell etc. most of the different queries of learners in one way or the other, come through the LSS cell. besides managing to address all there, the LSS cell motivates to its learners to ensure maximum participation in different kinds of programme organized by the university like convocation, national festivals, importation communication days, awareness programmes etc.